Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan 2

Learning goal
Identify alphabets in their name  and peers names (with pictures –visual aids)
Success criteria
  •          Play alphabet puzzles with friends to improve communication skill
  • ·         Using I-pads applications, such as matching, tracing and connecting alphabets to develop technology skill
  •        Working on www.abcya.com with a buddy to build good social skills

Using Google forms, we worked together on a morning message, words of the week- Word Hunt and a poem of the week. I also invited students on the carpet to identify their name with their pictures.
 I gathered students on the carpet to do Just Dance 4 and some action songs from the www.starfall.com and the You Tube to help them warm- up and learn through music and actions. I also set up literacy centres,
Beads centres, Stamping letters centre, Computer centre, I-Pad centre, Puzzles centre and Play-Doah centre to create a playful learning environment.
I used SeeSaw and Sesame applications in my I-Pad for pedagogical assessment that reflected my teaching strategies and helped my future planning.

Accommodations/ Modifications
I used play doh and squeezy alphabet toys for some of my autism students for a sensory centre. ELL students worked with a buddy or senior student.
Students identified some letters in their name and some can try to write their name on a white board. I used their picture for a visual clue to help in the beginning. But my pedagogical assessment encouraged me to use differentiated instruction strategies to promote playful, safe and caring classroom environment.


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